Sunday, December 5, 2010

le retour

It is a law of the universe, that each action necessitates an equal but opposite reaction. All actions must have a stimulus. Such is true for this. I have silently remained witness to the absurdity of our Nation's current legislative powers, as have many others. It is only within the contemporary window, however, that the amount of insanity within Congress has become too much to bear with sealed lips and internal condemnation. It is the civil duty of the elected representatives within the legislative system to do just that: Represent. They are to be proxy to the will of their voters, not the will of a political party. It is a role that has been neglected for far too long in the interest of political agendas. Their insubordination to the very foundation of this great Nation cannot go without reprimand. And thus the cause clearly shown, and Revolution is the reaction. It is my hope that I am the first of many to call for a more purposeful legislative branch. There was a time in which political office was not considered the honor that it is today, but rather, it was a public service. There was a time in which our elected officials were concerned with making the right choices for the people, rather than for maintaining political power. There was a time in which our legislative branch carried out the duties assigned to it without concern of political party power. I call for a return to such a time. I call for a return of purpose to the legislative system.

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